Darth Vader Accessories

Do not underestimate the power of the dark side...
If you're planning an outing as the most infamous Sith, you're going to want to make sure that you have the right accessories. And fortunately we've got you covered! When we see Darth Vader first donning his suit in Revenge of the Sith he had spent countless hours in agonizing restorative surgery. His new cybernetic parts had seamlessly been integrated into his new suit which would force him to wear it for the rest of his life. While in service to Darth Sidious he slowly learned to master his suit and was able to upgrade it over the years while exacting the villainy of the Empire.
If you've got plans to wear to the suit you're going to want to upgrade it as well! Our Darth Vader Authentic Mask is the best choice for any Vader costume. And a Darth Vader FX Lightsaber will be the perfect choice to arm yourself just like the Sith Lord. We've also got fun items like dog costumes, so your pet can get in on the evil action. And don't forget our breathing device so you recreate the chilling sounds of the iconic villain!